Revolutionizing Femtech: Meeting with Ida Tin

At Fledge, we are committed to connecting with trailblazers who inspire innovation and encourage transformative change. In our latest feature, we delve into the story of Ida Tin, the founder of Clue, who coined the term Femtech. Ida's journey is one of determination, innovation, and cultural reform, spanning from her ground-breaking work in tech to her influence on women's health and beyond. Join us in highlighting her story and celebrating her contributions to the ongoing evolution of Femtech.
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Revolutionizing Femtech: Meeting with Ida Tin

At Fledge, we are committed to connecting with trailblazers who inspire innovation and encourage transformative change. In our latest feature, we delve into the story of Ida Tin, the founder of Clue, who coined the term Femtech. Ida's journey is one of determination, innovation, and cultural reform, spanning from her ground-breaking work in tech to her influence on women's health and beyond. Join us in highlighting her story and celebrating her contributions to the ongoing evolution of Femtech.

In the world of Femtech, only a few names resonate as profoundly as Ida Tin, the pioneering founder behind Clue. Her path from Denmark to Berlin and the creation of Clue—initially conceived to revolutionize birth control—has not only transformed the way women and non-binary people understand their reproductive health but has also catalyzed a cultural shift in the tech and healthcare industries.


The Genesis of Clue (What made you go “fuck it, I’ll do it myself”)

Ida’s journey into Femtech began with a stark observation of the tech and healthcare industries and larger societal neglect of women’s health. Despite vast technological advancements like mobile devices and the literal internet, amongst many others, women’s health remained woefully underserved. “Why was there no innovation in women’s health since, like, the 60s?” she mentioned in our meeting. This inquiry sparked the conception of Clue, envisioned as a tool to empower women and non-binary people with knowledge regarding their menstrual cycles and, eventually, their overall reproductive health.

Evolution and Key Milestones

As Clue grew, so did its ambitions and capabilities. “We were in a constant learning curve,” Ida reflects. The company’s evolution was marked by pivotal moments, such as securing FDA approval for their 100% data-driven birth control—a groundbreaking achievement that validated Clue’s commitment to accuracy and reliability in reproductive health tracking. This moment underpinned great victory for not just the company but Ida herself, as this has been a significant objective since the start of her work at Clue.

Challenges and Transformative Impact

Navigating the complexities of scaling a Femtech startup without many or any players in the industry at the time was quite challenging. Ida candidly shared how operational fatigue set in at times, particularly when fundamental personnel changes like the Chief Operating Officer occurred. However, these challenges were outweighed by the profound impact Clue had on its users. “It all started with users,” she emphasized. Stories poured in—from women discovering life-threatening conditions early to athletes optimizing their training based on menstrual cycle insights— Ida shared a time when a company android developer attended a conference and was approached by a user who randomly hugged him in thanks for how much Clue has positively changed her perspective on her own body—each testimonial reaffirming Clue’s mission to empower individuals with data-driven health insights.

Cultural and Industry Recognition

Exceeding Clue’s technological achievements, Ida aimed to enable entrepreneurs and investors to recognize different startups and categories not only as companies but as movements. Her work has sparked a broader societal shift. “It is gratifying to create a cultural change where investors recognize womens’ health as an industry worth investing in,” Ida noted. This recognition speaks volumes about Clue’s role in innovating within femtech and legitimizing the sector as a viable investment opportunity for the current industry players and players yet to come.

Life Beyond Clue

When Fledge received a response to a project proposal made to Ida, she shared that she is currently not operationally involved with the company. Reflecting on her journey post-Clue, Ida Tin embraced a newfound perspective. “I had to learn to relax; it has been a pleasant change, and I don’t want to be that busy again,” she shared. Taking time for personal reflection and pursuing her passion for writing, particularly the work on her upcoming book about Femtech has allowed her to recharge and explore new avenues of advocacy within the industry.

Impact and Future Vision

Ida Tin’s vision extends far beyond her achievements. She envisions a future where Femtech continues to thrive, empowering women and non-binary people worldwide with knowledge and agency over their bodies and health. Her advocacy for innovation in women’s health remains steadfast, inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs and investors to recognize the transformative potential of Femtech.


Ida Tin’s journey with Clue exemplifies the power of innovation and a steadfast commitment to addressing long-standing gaps in women’s healthcare. From humble beginnings to pioneering industry recognition, her story underscores the positive impact of technology in revolutionizing healthcare and empowering individuals worldwide. As Femtech continues to grow, Ida Tin’s legacy undoubtedly will inspire future generations to push boundaries and advocate for inclusive, data-driven solutions in healthcare. Her story is not just about building a successful startup; it’s about challenging norms, empowering individuals, and catalyzing a movement that places women’s health at the forefront of technological innovation. The Fledge team is all here for it.



By: Vera Obi

Date Published: 24/07/2024


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